Young men and women who participate as part of the Mountain West Youth Track Club (MWYTC) represent the Mountain West organization, the Missoula community, and most importantly their families. We expect Mountain West athletes to demonstrate character, high moral standards, leadership, responsibility, and to serve as positive role models for other youth in the community. On and off the field, during trips and competition, we accept nothing less that the best standards of behavior. We must be gracious in victory and accept defeat just as graciously.
1. Do your best to make every practice and be on time.
2. Arrive at practice ready to listen, work hard and learn.
3. Be supportive of all athletes on your team. This includes all forms of social media.
4. Show respect for coaches, officials, teammates, opponents and follow the rules of different training facilities.
5. Learn the rules and always compete by them.
6. Use only appropriate language around the club events.
7. Conduct your actions to promote sportsmanship.
8. Athletes do not leave the premises of track meets (even with parents) without informing a coach/chaperone.
9. ABSOLUTELY NO drugs, vapes, e-cigarettes or alcoholic beverages are to be in the possession of any team member at any time.
10. Athletes will compete in the designated MWYTC’s uniform unless prior approval is received from the Head Coach.
11. Athletes will abide by the curfew will be set by the Head Coach and chaperones for each day of a respective competition.
12. Athletes may socialize in designated, approved, chaperoned areas. There are to be ABSOLUTELY NO boys in girls’ rooms and no girls in boys’ rooms.
13. Athletes are to remain in the confines of the dormitories, hotel, or competition areas unless accompanied by a chaperone or authorized by their respective chaperone(s) to leave.
14. While traveling, all athletes will turn in all electronic devices (phones, tablets, etc) by a designated time set by coaches or chaperones.
1. Parents, coaches, adult volunteers, and friends of the MWYTC must be role models for children by conducting themselves as responsible, moral, ethical adults worthy of the respect and emulation of children.
2. Coaches will monitor attendance at practice, at track meets, etc., to provide safety and protection for your children. Parents are to inform your child’s coach, (call or text 406-529-2013) in advance if your child will not be able to participate in a scheduled practice.
3. Parents are responsible for providing transportation for their children to and from practice, to ensure safety and protection. Parents are responsible for getting their children to practice and picking them up from practice on time. Coaches will NOT leave the premises of the track until ALL children are accounted for.
4. Parents are not permitted on the track or in practice areas during practice or meets.
5. Parents are not to remove their children from the practice field, competition site, the bus, etc. without letting the appropriate coach/chaperone know.
6. Support coaches and officials. Parental interference with Coaching will not be tolerated. Parents may discuss their athletes training/coaching program with coaches following practice.
7. Parents are to inform the coach of any special needs your child may have.
8. Support the club by volunteering to help with meets and fundraising events.
9. Any complaints or disagreements regarding coaches or the club shall be communicated to the MWTC Board of Directors via the following link by clicking here. Speaking ill of the Club and/or creating dissension among Club members will not be tolerated.